Saturday, May 26, 2012

I never thought...

...the words "I love Starbucks" would EVER come out of my mouth. It's mostly because they have working wifi, which is stupidly hard to come by in this city, but still...

... I'd ever use the adjective "sophisticated" to describe a small child. Those British accents...

...I would be overwhelmed by how EVERYONE is so cultured. Ok, not everyone, but compared to the Midwest it sure feels like it...

...I would start seriously considering marrying someone very wealthy or getting a job that pays me a ridiculous amount of money and gives me an equally ridiculous amount of time off because I want to travel EVERYWHERE ALL OF THE TIME.

...I would miss using my phone so damn much. I've never been a big fan of the phone, but it's so inconvenient not having phone/data access. And more importantly, I really miss being able to just contact my friends and family whenever I please. If you're reading this there is a good chance I really miss you and would love to hear from you! Comment on my Facebook page or something!

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